Hello World! We are a new, modern social network where you can easily and conveniently share photos and videos. Complete freedom of expression.Licheek is a new social network that allows you to share photos and videos, create stories, connect with friends and make new friends. At Licheek, you can find thousands of like-minded people and follow their profiles to get updates on their lives.Messages in Licheek are a fast and convenient way to communicate with friends, and Find Friends helps you find people who live near you or have common interests.Licheek is a social network that caters to users of all ages and experience levels. Beginners can quickly get used to the interface and start chatting with friends, sharing photos and videos, getting to know each other, while experienced users will find many opportunities for self-expression and business development here.Do not miss the opportunity to join the face and enjoy chatting with friends and new acquaintances! Download the app right now and start enjoying all its benefits.